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056 013 009
Excavation begins under high-voltage power lines
Howe Avenue levee raise project continues Aug. 28, 2012
5633941793 3bbb9738cf o
Seepage collects at the Yolo Bypass
494 005 009
Corps of Engineers judge science projects at the 5th Annual Folsom High School Physics and Engineering Challenge.
Corps discusses Delta study at public scoping meetings
Sacramento District's 33rd annual retiree luncheon
ARRA-funded technology aims to improve waste removal from Hanford tanks
Walk at Lunch Day
Maj. Gen. Walsh tours Sacramento River levee
Rodent burrows in a Chico-area levee
Corps reconnaissance team tours Yuba River
Excellence Award for David M. Hesse, accepted by Sonja Baskerville
Chaparral clearing at Fort Ord Oct. 15
Englebright Lake
Kathy Stephens' team showing two correct answers
Jack Davies listens to students' voice synthesizer project
Historic weekend in Knights Ferry
Crews excavate the levee on the first day of construction near River Park
Leaking irrigation line creates hole in Elk Grove levee
New Commander speaks to audience
100-ton crane at Sierra Army Depot
The access control point rendering
Greg Crannell vice principal of Folsom High School views Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway construction
494 006 009
A Sacramento spirited performance by the Corps-Aliers
Erosion of a Chico-area levee
Making Tall Spaces More Fire Safe
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