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Results: 2,791 - 2,820 of 3,061 total results
 Looking toward Tolstoi Rookery on St. Paul Island.  F&WS 10,010.
Deputy Secretary Higginbottom Signs her Appointment Papers
Sorting through Fish Samples
Secretary Kerry Signs Foreign Ministry Guest Book in Amman, Jordan
U.S. President Barack Obama Shakes Hands With Ambassador Roemer
 Dawn at Fishing Creek looking out towards the Chesapeake Bay.  Advection fog and a small fleet of small charter boats at dock.
Ring is returned
Taking the guided tour
A dry levee system
Looking at historic artifact inside a building at Garnet Ghost Town
Darling, you look marvelous
USAID Deputy Mission Director Karen Freeman stands before the tents and looks on during the handover of the 858 tents that the U.S. Government has provided to NDMA. The project helped plan and coordinate delivery of assistance during the 2010 and 2011.
 View from the top of the south tower of the Golden Gate Bridge looking north.
2011 Greenwing Day - Decoy Setup Session
A cultural event replicating an old camp site in the middle of the rangeland.  It looks like a tent city.  People are dressed as pioneers showing old chairs, spinning wheels, and other exhibits.
Looking for plankton
 Looking south at the edge of sea and shore at Delaware Seashore State Park
Looking down on scenery in the Judith Mountains
Warrior Games basketball competition
This historic view, looking towards the west, sout
This historic aerial view, looking towards the wes
Looking sharp
Tampa Bay plays at MacDill
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