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Most Popular Restoration Public Domain Files:

Results: 601 - 630 of 953 total results
Capitol Dome Restoration Work 1959-1960
Capitol Dome Restoration Work 1959-1960
 Unloading Spartina alterniflora plants to begin restoration.
Capitol Dome Restoration - Lower Tower Scaffold
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
 Wetland scientists evaluating potential marsh restoration project.
Get Your Goose On! - Albatross Style
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Protection Work
Aerial seeding  Hydro Seeding  Range Restoration Project
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Protection Work
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Capitol Dome Restoration - Lower Tower Scaffolding
 Sand bar adjacent to Pass a Loutre. Possible sediment source for restoration projects.  Bar features are natural.
Museum restoration
Captiol Dome Restoration - Captiol Dome Restoration - Interstitial Preparations for Rotunda Canopy
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Get Your Goose On! - Laysan Style
 During restoration construction of the marsh platform, sediments being pumped into the cells created to contain the dredge material.
Get Your Goose On! - Albatross Style
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Rangeland Drill Seeding  Range Restoration Project
Get Your Goose On! - Albatross Style
Get Your Goose On! - Albatross Style
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
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