Chilean air force's latest tanker
Above Port San Antonio, a KC-135E Stratotanker completes a test flight over San Antonio on Feb 13, 2010. It is the first of three tankers to be delivered to the government of Chile through the U.S. foreign military sales (FMS) program. These tankers will augment their current fleet of Boeing 707-based tankers. The San Antonio Boeing Support Systems site specializes in several maintenance and modification processes for U.S. and international military customers. The two other tankers are at Boeing's San Antonio site for programmed depot maintenance before being delivered later this year. The aircraft is seen with transitional marking showing the permanent Chilean air force tail markings, and temporary decals of the U.S. Air Force on other areas for the delivery flight to Chile, when the aircraft arrived in Chile on Feb 16 the decals were peeled off revealing all the Chilean air force marking. FMS is managed and operated by DoD on a no-profit and no-loss basis. Countries and international organizations participating in the program pay for defense articles and services at prices that recoup the actual costs incurred by the United States. Air Force Security Assistance Center oversees system sales and support for more than 170 models of aircraft - a fleet totaling more than 6,600.
Courtsey photo/Lance Cheung
Date Added:
October 11, 2012
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