This image depicted a 'desert Massasauga' rattlesnake, Sistrurus cantenatus edwardsi, which is distinguished from its western cousin only by
This image depicted a 'desert Massasauga' rattlesnake, Sistrurus cantenatus edwardsi, which is distinguished from its western cousin only by its slightly lighter ground color, fewer dorsal blotches, and the lack of gray mottling on the ventral scute. Along the South Texas Gulf Coast, the desert massasauga ranges from the city of Palacios, southward along the coast and its barrier islands, and westward throughout most of the South Texas brush country (Price;Tennant, 1998), placing it in hurricane-prone areas, which is of importance to those living in these regions, and first-responders offering aid to those affected by such a disaster. The name 'desert massasauga' is actually misleading, because this species inhabits dry short grass prairie, mesquite/prickly pear savannah, and grass covered sand dune areas over much of its range (Tennant, 1998).
CDC/ Edward J. Wozniak D.V.M., Ph.D.. Joe Forks
Date Added:
October 31, 2012