This image showed a converted Red Cross x-ray boat used to transport E.I.S. officers, and local public health personnel. 'In the towns of Ba
This image showed a converted Red Cross x-ray boat used to transport E.I.S. officers, and local public health personnel. 'In the towns of Barisal, Pirojpur and Patakali, a WHO team leader, and former CDC director, Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, remembers the period well. As a young E.I.S. officer in 1972, he was assigned to Dr. Stan Foster's team in Bangladesh, one of the last outposts of smallpox. His mode of transportation was a converted Red Cross x-ray boat, which enabled him and his Bangladeshi colleagues to quickly reach isolated populations to identify cases and control the spread of the disease.'This image was part of a series provided by Dr. Foster, and was one of a series entitled 'The Story of One Smallpox Jeep', which depicted the travails faced by the jeep, and its occupants of public health practitioners, as they road through the Bangladesh countryside in an attempt to eradicate smallpox from the country.
CDC/ World Health Organization; Stanley O. Foster M.D., M.P.H.
Date Added:
November 2, 2012