This image showed a man sitting on a folding, wall mounted seat in the down position inside a small 3' x 3', 'curbless' shower. The person w
This image showed a man sitting on a folding, wall mounted seat in the down position inside a small 3' x 3', 'curbless' shower. The person was demonstrating the reach required, in order to attain a grasp of the grab bar on the wall opposite this seat. The small size is appropriate for people who are ambulatory, or those who can transfer off of a wheelchair. It is small enough to fit in many bathrooms. His cane, resting next to the shower, was a reminder that curbless showers are usable by all, and particularly useful to those who may be ambulatory, but who may not be able to stand for a long period of time.
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design (CUD)
Date Added:
November 2, 2012