This 1994 image depicted a person's ankles, and sneaker-clad feet standing atop a loose pebbled pathway. This individual was also using of a
This 1994 image depicted a person's ankles, and sneaker-clad feet standing atop a loose pebbled pathway. This individual was also using of a walker, the feet of which were also interacting with this precarious surface. The use of loose stone, gravel, or pebbles to cover a walkway is an improper use of these materials, for it showed that consideration had not been paid as to which user groups would be using this pathway. There is an inherent danger, evidenced by this photograph, to those who are mobility-challenged, and rely upon mobility aids such as crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs. When constructing pathways, all user groups must be taken into account, not only those able to walk unimpaired, but all types of mobility-challenged individuals who'd be using wheelchairs, canes, and crutches, which is a philosophy implemented by the Center for Universal Design, (CUD).
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design
Date Added:
November 3, 2012