In this 2000 image (and see PHIL# 9084), a father seated in his wheelchair, was playing with his two sons who were building sand castles in
In this 2000 image (and see PHIL# 9084), a father seated in his wheelchair, was playing with his two sons who were building sand castles in a publicly-accessible sandbox. This sandbox, in a universally designed park, facilitated its use by all children, and adults as well, whether standing or sitting. Here, the father, who used a power wheelchair, was seen pulled up to the raised sandbox. He could play with them easily because knee space had been created over one cantilevered side of the sandbox. Designing recreation sites with the mobility-challenged in mind, makes for an overall more user-friendly environment for all, and is quite often made even more efficient from a utilitarian standpoint.
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design
Date Added:
November 3, 2012