This historic image depicted two large tanks located on the grounds of the Carville, Louisiana Leprosarium, for the purpose of storing the i
This historic image depicted two large tanks located on the grounds of the Carville, Louisiana Leprosarium, for the purpose of storing the institution's fuel oil. The facility's infirmary and dormitory were heated with steam, as well as hot water, all powered by fuel oil, which came from these fuel storage tanks. The hospital was a self-contained compound with its own storehouse, laundry, food-processing facilities, and patient treatment center."Patients of the U.S. Marine Hospital in Carville, Louisiana, produced a set of 35 mm slides around 1950 from which this image was derived. In 2002, a patient's son donated the set, the only one known in existence, to the museum. The father, a patient at Carville for several years, brought these slides home around 1950 to give his family a snapshot of life at the national leprosarium. The act of quarantining patients for leprosy (HD) remained law in the state of Louisiana until 1957."
CDC/ Elizabeth Schexnyder, National Hansen's Disease Museum, Curator
Date Added:
November 17, 2012