The adolescent boy to the left, and the man pictured here on the right were lying alongside a Bangladesh town road. It is quite possible tha
The adolescent boy to the left, and the man pictured here on the right were lying alongside a Bangladesh town road. It is quite possible that the man may have been dead, for many onlookers were stopping in the background to look at the lying man. This photograph provided by Dr. Stan Foster, and captured by Pierre Claquin, M.D., B.A.C., who at the time was a member of the World Health Organization's Smallpox Eradication Program. It was part of a series photographed by former E.I.S. officer, Stanley O. Foster M.D., M.P.H., and was one of a series entitled 'The Story of One Smallpox Jeep', which depicted the travails faced by the jeep, and its occupants of public health practitioners, as they road through the Bangladesh countryside in an attempt to eradicate smallpox from the country.
CDC/ World Health Organization; Stanley O. Foster M.D., M.P.H.
Date Added:
November 17, 2012