Mujibur Rahman, an elder statesman among smallpox team leaders, was shown here, as he was demonstrating the proper method for administering
Mujibur Rahman, an elder statesman among smallpox team leaders, was shown here, as he was demonstrating the proper method for administering a smallpox vaccination using a bifurcated needle. After having been dipped into the vaccine solution, the bifurcated needle was used to prick the skin a number of times in order to allow the vaccinia virus to penetrate the skin, thereby, inoculating the vaccinee.If the vaccination is successful, a red and itchy bump develops at the vaccination site in three or four days. In the first week, the bump becomes a large blister, fills with pus, and begins to drain. During the second week, the blister begins to dry up and a scab forms. The scab falls off in the third week, leaving a small scar. People who are being vaccinated for the first time have a stronger reaction than those who are being revaccinated.
CDC/ World Health Organization; Stanley O. Foster M.D., M.P.H.
Date Added:
November 18, 2012