In this 1993 image, the front of a women's clinic revealed a front door that was accessed via a two-step stoop, which made accessibility an
In this 1993 image, the front of a women's clinic revealed a front door that was accessed via a two-step stoop, which made accessibility an issue for individuals having problems with mobility, such as the wheelchair-seated woman seen here, as she was assisted with exiting the facility. In PHIL 9022 - 9026, a temporary plywood ramp had been installed. Even though the temporary ramp installation made access easier for the mobility-challenged, it was constructed in such a way as to make it a dangerous, though short-term solution. PHIL images 9027 - 9029 depicted a long-term, permanent solution using a brick, concrete, and metal ramp. It was not the perfect solution, for it lacked adequate maneuvering room near the clinic doorway. It also clearly appeared as an add-on, or after-the-fact solution that protruded into the wide sidewalk, while attempting to blend in with the existing buildings by using brick, colored concrete, and wrought iron rails. Stairs had also been provided.
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design
Date Added:
November 20, 2012