August as Pontifex Maximus: head covered, wearing the toga and calcei patricii (shoes reserved for Patricians), he extends his right arm to pour a libation; a cupsa (container for officiel documents) lies at his feet. Greek marble (arms and head) and Ital
August as Pontifex Maximus: head covered, wearing the toga and calcei patricii (shoes reserved for Patricians), he extends his right arm to pour a libation; a cupsa (container for officiel documents) lies at his feet. Greek marble (arms and head) and Italic marble (body), Roman artwork of the late Augustan period, last decade of the 1st century CE. I (en:User:RyanFreisling) took this photo myself. Français : Auguste en pontifex maximus: tĂȘte couverte, vĂȘtu de la toge et chaussĂ© des calcei patricii (bottes rĂ©servĂ©es aux patriciens), il avance le bras pour verser une libation ; une cupsa (Ă©tui pour documents officiels) gĂźt Ă ses pieds. Marbre grec (tĂȘte et bras) et italique (corps), Ćuvre romaine de la fin de la pĂ©riode augustĂ©enne, derniĂšre dĂ©cennie du Ier siĂšcle ap. J.-C. Italiano: Augusto nelle vesti di pontifex maximus: testa curvata, vestito della toga e calzando calcei patricii (calzature riservate ai patrizi), estende il braccio destro per versare la libagione; una cupsa (contenitore per documenti ufficiali) giace ai suoi piedi. Marmo greco (testa e braccia) e italico (corpo), opera romana della fine del periodo augusteo, ultima decate del I secolo a.C.AC, rinvenuta alle pendici del colle Oppio, in via Labicana e conservata al Museo Nazionale Romano di Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Roma.
Original uploader was RyanFreisling at en.wikipedia
Date Added:
February 20, 2014