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Public Domain Picture: 96CS0380

Courtesy: US Department of Agriculture
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In the early spring of 2013 the eastern half of the United States will see and hear the emergence of the 17-year Cicada (Magicicada). The 17-year Cicada is a large insect, with a black body, red eyes, and delicate wings about an inch and a half long. They will emerge from the ground as nymphs, climb onto trees and shed their skins. The males will then sing loudly to attract female mates. Once mated the females lay between 400 to 600 eggs in tree branches before they die. The nymphs hatch and burrow into the ground and live underground for the next 16 years sucking sap out of tree roots. The cicada’s above ground cycle lasts about a month before they die. Cicada’s have no sting or bite and are harmless to humans and pets. But they are annoying with their constant singing. USDA photo by Ken Hammond. 96CS0380
Date Added:
May 13, 2014
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US Department of Agriculture

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US Department of Agriculture (Flickr Photostream)
External Site: US Department of Agriculture
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