Open Commission Meeting - 2/18/2010
The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting in Washington, DC. on February 18, 2010, which will include the following items:
E-Rate: An Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to enable schools that receive funding from the E-Rate program to allow members of the general public to use the schools' Internet access during non-operating hours at no additional cost to the Universal Service Fund. This order and notice do not permit or require any changes to E-Rate applications due on February 11, 2010; Ex Parte Reform: A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to improve the transparency and effectiveness of the FCC's decision-making process by reforming the ex parte rules; Procedural Reform: A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to enhance the efficiency, openness, and transparency of the Commission's proceedings by improving and modernizing certain organizational and procedural rules; National Broadband Plan Status Report: Commission staff will report on the status of the National Broadband Plan, providing a framework for the national purposes portion of the Plan.
Date Added:
May 16, 2014
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