Uranium 233
Awardees (not all pictured): James J. Bolon, Wendy A. Cain, Samuel N. Callahan, John T. Carilli, Frank Disanza, Don F. Gagel, Ben Garcia, Christine M Gelles, Leigh B. Gunn
Jane L. Hamilton, Brenda L. Hawks, Chelsea D. Hubbard, John W. Krueger, Douglas Moore, Bryan A. Roy, Sarah S. Schaefer, Dirk Schmidhofer, Scott A. Wade, Brad S. Watson, Jerry A. Weber, Dana M. Willaford. In recognition of the U-233 Alternative Analysis Team for their extraordinary efforts to find cost effective and technically viable alternatives for disposition of the U-233 stored at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. These contributions resulted in acceleration of the project schedule and reduction of the cost and risk to the Department and to the public. The U-233 Alternative Analysis Team's willingness to re-examine long-held assumptions, establish partnerships, and solve significant challenges have resulted in a lasting contribution to the Department of Energy's environmental, science, and national security missions.
Date Added:
June 3, 2014