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Grid Friendly Appliance Controller, is a playing-card-sized integrated circuit developed by researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
The circuit board would turn normal household appliances into ones that would better regulate energy usage and help prevent local and national blackouts. It is a two by two-and-a-half inch circuit board, is at the heart of Grid Friendly appliances. Installed in refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters and various other household appliances, this device would monitor the power grid and turn appliances off for a few seconds to a few minutes in response to power grid overload. When power plants cannot generate enough power to meet customer's needs, Grid Friendly appliances reduce some of the load on the system to balance supply and demand. Consumers will benefit from avoided blackouts and from lower electric rates since they won't have to pay for unneeded backup power plants. It could help stabilize power grids and prevent outages. By triggering appliances to turn on or off at different times, this device could help control power oscillations that occur in different parts of the grid.
For more information or additional images, please contact 202-586-5251.
Date Added:
June 6, 2014
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